8th International A.M. Prokhorov Symposium on Biophotonics

Ivan A. Shcherbakov, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia, Symposium Chair

Boris I. Denker, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia, Symposium Vice-Chair


Program Committee

A.V. Priezzhev, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia, Program Committee Chair

I.M. Belousova, Vavilov State Optical Inst., Russia

W. Blondel, Univ. de Lorraine, France

V.A. Duvansky, MI FGAOU HE RUDN Univ., Moscow, Russia

N.N. Evtikhiev, NTO “IRE-Polus", Russia

D.G. Kochiev, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

A.A. Krasnovsky Jr., RAS - Federal Center for Biotechnology, Russia

V.B. Loschenov, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

A.E. Lugovtsov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

V.P. Minaev, NTO “IRE-Polus", Russia

P.I. Nikitin, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

D.V. Pominova, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

V.O. Shipunova, Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Inst. of Bioorganic Chemistry of RAS, Russia

E.P. Subbotin, Far Eastern Federal Univ., Russia

V.V. Tuchin, Saratov State Univ., Russia

D. Zhu, Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology, China


Organizing Committee

V.I. Pustovoy, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Russia, Chair

N.P. Khakamova, Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Russia, Symposium Secretary



Section A. Advanced laser medical systems and technologies

New medical applications and advanced laser medical systems for ophthalmology, dermatology, urology, endoscopic and micro surgery, dentistry, and other specialties

Section B. Laser interaction with cells and tissues: clinical imaging and spectroscopy

Optical clearing and light transport in cells and tissues • Laser trapping and manipulation of biological particles; nonlinear interactions of light and tissues • Speckle phenomena in tissues • Quantification and imaging of cells, blood and lympth flows • Terahertz waves interaction with cells and tissues, autofluorescence and photodynamic diagnosis • Optical coherence tomography and diffuse optical imaging • New developments in non-invasive optical technologies, laser microscopy and spectroscopy of tissues

Section C. Photonics and nanobiotechnology

Analytical biophotonics • Chemical and biosensing principles and instrumentation • Nanomaterials, methods and systems for diagnostics and therapy • Study of the nature and mechanisms of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants as a complex process of interaction of light radiation with their genetic and biochemical subsystems, which is a significant factor that improves the efficiency of growth, development and adaptive capabilities of plants

Section D. Photodynamic processes in biology and medicine

Photosensitizers for biology and medicine • Direct optical single oxygen generation • Photodynamic therapy • Photothermal action of laser radiation on bio-objects • Protection of organs and tissues against powerful and laser radiation • Photodynamic diagnosis • New photosensitizers for theranostic • Photodynamic action on pathogenic microflora

Plenary Talks



Dmitry Gorin

Skoltech, Moscow, Russia

“Laser radiation, ultrasound and nanostructured particles  work together to realise the theranostic approach


Dmitry Gorin was born in Saratov, Russia, in 1975. He is a Professor at the Center of Photonic Science and Engineering at Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology. Dmitry Gorin received his Diploma of Engineer-Physicist in 1997 and CSc and DSc degrees in Physical Chemistry in 2001 and 2011, respectively, from Saratov State University. From 2005 to 2009, he visited the Max-Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (the group of Dr. G.B. Sukhorukov), before becoming a postdoc there from 2009 to 2010 in the group of Prof. Dr.H. Moehwald. He was then appointed professor at the Department of Nano- and Biomedical Technologies at Saratov State University from 2011 till 2017, after which he joined Skoltech as a Full Professor. He was the supervisor and co-supervisor of 11 CSc and 3 PhD theses and consultant of 2 DSc theses. His research interests are biophysics, biophotonics, and physics of colloids and interfaces. As a visiting scientist, he collaborated with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (Little Rock), Charité University Hospital (Berlin), Queen Mary University of London, Ankara and Ghent Universities, Tomsk Polytechnic University, Bilkent University.



Walter Blondel

Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France

Multimodal spectro-imaging for human skin in vivo optical biopsy


Walter C.P.M. Blondel was born in Nancy, France, in 1968. He received the electrical engineering degree from ESIGELEC Rouen (France) in 1991, the M.Sc. degree in optoelectronics from Hertsfordshire University (U.K.) in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in biological and medical engineering from the Université Henri Poincaré (France) in 2000. Currently, he is a Professor at Université de Lorraine (France), heading the M.Sc. in Health Engineering and the Health Sciences and Engineering department at the faculty of medicine in Nancy (France). He’s leading the research group interactions of light with biological tissues at the CRAN laboratory (France) and his research fields of interest are in: UV-Vis-NIR optical spectroscopy and imaging for in vivo characterization of biological tissues, light-tissue interactions modelling, multidimensional data processing and machine learning.



Valentin I. Borshchevskiy

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia

Advancing 7TM-protein structural studies: from XFELs to light-enabled cell control


Dr. Valentin I. Borshchevskiy (born June 12, 1984) is a specialist in structural biology and protein dynamics, focusing on retinal membrane proteins and G protein-coupled receptors. His research is dedicated to advancing optogenetic approaches and structure-based rational drug design. Dr. Borshchevskiy co-authors over 90 publication and has been nominated for the Yu. Struchkov Prize and the Young Scientist Award 2021 of the European Synchrotron. Dr. Borshchevskiy is the Head of the Laboratory for Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, as well as the Vice-Head of the Research Center for Molecular Mechanisms of Aging and Age-Related Diseases, both located at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Invited Speakers

Section A. Advanced laser medical systems and technologies

Laser perforation of bons. Photothermal effects and clinical applications
A.E. Anchugova, Chelyabinsk State Univ., Russia

Perspectives of a 3050 nm fiber laser mediated ablative fractional laser treatments in cosmetology
V. Arkhipova, IRE-Polus LTD, Russia

Endovenous laser coagulation of large diameter varicose veins
V.Yu. Bogachev, The First Phlebological Center, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical Univ., Russia

Study of the possibility of using dielectric nanoparticles doped with rare earth ions for the treatment of tumors under non-contact exposure to near-IR laser radiation
S.A. Khrushchalina, National Research Mordovia State Univ., Russia

High-power erbium-doped pulsed fiber laser for non-ablative fractional photo-rejuvenation
A. V. Kim, Inst. of Applied Physics of RAS, Russia

Dual channel video platform for fluorescence diagnostics in augmented reality mode
M.V. Loshchenov, National Research Nuclear Univ. MEPhI, Russia

Optical visualizer of the venous wall with a high degree of contrast
P.A. Ryabochkina, National Research Mordovia State Univ., Russia

Thulium fiber laser: Experimental study on biological tissue
M.A. Ryabova, Pavlov First State Medical Univ., Russia

Surgery guidance with optical spectroscopy: advances in clinical translation
Е.А. Shirshin, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

Investigation of the possibility of using a thulium laser for crushing salivary stones
D.V. Zhuchkova , RUDN Univ., Russia

Section B. Laser interaction with cells and tissues: clinical imaging and spectroscopy

Theoretical and experimental study of the effect of laser heating on the optical characteristics of human skin
A. Belikov, ITMO Univ., Russia

Photoacoustic technologies for visualizing tumors and searching for foreign objects in the blood stream
D. Bratashov, Saratov State Univ., Russia

Human serum SERS analysis for non-infectional diseases detection: avoiding overestimation of classification models
I.A. Bratchenko et al., Samara National Research Univ., Russia

Surgery guidance in orthopedics and dentistry
G.S. Budylin, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical Univ., Russia

Advance in optical coherence elastography
Zh. Chen, Beckman Laser Inst., Univ. of California, USA

Terahertz Spectroscopy of blood plasma for cancer diagnosis
O. Cherkasova, Inst. of Automation and Electrometry, SB of the RAS, National Research Centre «Kurchatov Inst.», Russia

Tissue Exposure to Laser Pulses Delivered by Sapphire Medical Instruments: Advantages for Laser Coagulation and Ablation
I.N. Dolganova et al., Osipyan Inst. of Solid State Physics RAS, Russia

Controlled photosensitizer-free singlet oxygen release for biomedical applications
V. Dremin, Orel State Univ., Russia; Aston Univ., UK

Microcirculatory-tissue systems of the human body as an object of study in space research
A. Dunaev, Orel State Univ., Russia

Optical measurements in vitro and in vivo of erythrocyte aggregation parameters in patients with different pathologies
P. Ermolinskiy, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

Combined Photodynamic/Photothermal Cancer Therapy Accompanied by Optical Clearing
E.A. Genina, Saratov State Univ., Saratov, Russia

Experimental comparison of imaging photoplethysmography and laser speckle contrast imaging for blood flow assessment
A.A. Kamshilin, Inst. of Automation and Control Processes, Far East Branch of RAS, Russia

Advanced Monte Carlo simulations in spectral and fluorescence optical diagnostics
M.Yu. Kirillin, Inst. of Applied Physics, RAS, Russia

Terahertz spectroscopy and machine learning for medical and ecological applications
Yu. Kistenev, Tomsk State Univ., Russia

The problem of data reproducibility in laser diffractometry of erythrocytes
S.Yu. Nikitin, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

Determination of the spectral dispersion for the heart muscle – a Kramers-Kronig approach
L. Oliveira, Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering (ISEP), Portugal

In Vivo Applications of Raster-Scan Optoacoustic Angiography
A.O. Orlova et al., Gaponov-Grekhov Inst. of Applied Physics RAS, Russia

Development of SERS-active substrates for Raman investigation of microorganizms
E. Perevedentseva, Lebedev Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in differential diagnosis of liver cancer in vivo
E. Potapova, Orel State Univ., Russia

Antibacterial photodynamic therapy. Role of endogenous Zn-coproporphyrin in the sterilization of M. Tuberculosis
A.P. Savitsky, Federal Research Center for Biotechnology RAS, Russia

Adapting laser microscopy to life sciences
H. Schneckenburger, Univ. of Aalen, Germany

Biophotonics in endocrinology: surgery guidance, optical biopsy and point-of-care testing
E.A. Shirshin, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

Optical monitoring of intradermal delivery of drug-loaded vaterite carriers
Yu. Svenskaya, Saratov State Univ., Russia

Revolutionizing Vascular Diagnostics: the Role of Wideband Ultrasound Detectors in Optoacoustic Visualization Technologies
P. Subochev, Gaponov-Grekhov Inst. of Applied Physics RAS, Russia

Made-to-order Organ: the common future of biophotonics and biofabrication
P. Timashev, Science and Technology Park for Biomedicine, Sechenov Univ., Russia

Wide-band diffuse reflectance spectroscopy with a self-calibrating fiber-optic probe
I. Turchin, Inst. of Applied Physics RAS, Russia

Discovery of novel fluorophores in the human organism via big data analysis
B.P. Yakimov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

New mechanisms in stem cells differentiation and tissue regeneration discovered by optical imaging
E. Zagainova, Lopukhin Federal Research And Clinical Center Of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Russia

Terahertz-wave scattering in turbid biological tissues
K. Zaitsev, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. RAS, Russia

Optical coherence elastography with osmotically-induced strains for assessing degradation of cartilage samples
V. Zaitsev, Inst. of Applied Physics RAS, Russia

Section C. Photonics and nanobiotechnology

Rigidochromic porphyrazine dyes: smart molecules for sensing and cancer treatment
I.V. Balalaeva, Lobachevsky State Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Genetically engineered nanocapsules with fluorescent and magnetic markers for tracking targeted drug delivery to glioma cells
A. Gabashvili, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. RAS, Russia

Design and interactions of luminescent nanoparticles in analytical systems
I. Goryacheva, Saratov State Univ., Russia

Fluorescence polarization immunoassay for detection of pesticides in food products
S.A. Eremin, Bach Inst. of Biochemistry, Federal Research Center RAS, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ., Russia

Determination of gold concentration in colloids by UV-vis spectroscopy: universality for various nanoparticles and clusters
N.G. Khlebtsov, Inst. of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms RAS, Russia

Optical fiber based cortisol sensor
Y. V. Kotelevtsev, Skolkovo Inst. of Science and Technology, Russia

Polymer optic fiber photoluminescent probe for cortisol continuous monitoring with metal-enhanced displacement fluoroimmunoassay”
P. Kusov, Skolkovo Inst. of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Laser engineering of microbial systems: a new tool for microbiology
N.V. Minaev, Inst. of Photonic Technologies Federal Scientific Research Center “Crystallography and Photonics”, Russia

Low-Dimensional Magnetic Structures as Sensing Nanoprobes for Advanced Bioapplications
A.V. Orlov, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Confined Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering for Bio-objects Detection
A. Sarychev, Inst. for Theoretical and Applied Electrodynamics RAS, Russia

Multiparametric optical mapping of tissues
V.I. Shcheslavskiy, Privolzhskiy Research Medical Univ., Russia

Upconversion Nanoparticles for Diagnosis and Targeted Treatment of Cancer
N.Yu. Shilyagina, Lobachevsky State Univ. of Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Targeted PLGA nanoparticles as versatile platform for the delivery of oncotherapeutic compounds
V. Shipunova, Moscow Inst. of Physics and Technology, Russia

Nanoparticles in optical bioanalytical techniques: Finding efficient labels and formats of application
A.V. Zherdev, Bach Inst. of Biochemistry, Research Centre of Biotechnology RAS, Russia

Section D. Photodynamic processes in biology and medicine

Intraoperative fluorescent imaging of peripheral pulmonary nodules
A. Akopov, Pavlov First State Medical Univ., Russia

Spectroscopic intraoperative diagnostics of tumors during photodynamic therapy
K. Efendiev, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Microscopy techniques for the enhancement of localized photodynamical processes
G. Ferrini, Univ. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Robot-assisted photodynamic therapy
T.G. Grishacheva, Pavlov First State Medical Univ., Russia

Spectral properties of crystalline aluminum phthalocyanine nanoparticles and the possibility of their use in biophotonics
V. Makarov, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Mechanisms of the photodynamic effect with polycationic photosensitizers on the foci of bacterial and oncological diseases
G. Meerovich, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Experimental models of photodynamically-induced thrombi in blood vessels
I.A. Mikhailova, Pavlov First State Medical Univ., Russia

Impacts of quantum dots in photodynamic processes
A. Orlova, ITMO Univ., Russia

The role of water in the biological activity of shungite carbon nanoparticles
N.N. Rozhkova, Inst. of Geology KarRC RAS, Russia

Metabolic stress of the tumor microenvironment during photothermal therapy: activation of an immune antitumor response
A. Ryabova, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Method for rapid intraoperative analysis of the optical properties of multilayered walls of hollow organs
T. Savelieva, Prokhorov General Physics Inst. of RAS, Russia

Effect of microenvironment on photophysical properties of Radachlorin photosensitizer
I.V. Semenova, Ioffe Inst., Russia

Singlet and triplet oxygen detection by time-correlated single photon counting
V.I. Shcheslavskiy, Privolzhsky Research Medical Univ., Russia

Picosecond anisotropic relaxation in biomolecules studied by polarization-modulation Pump-and-Probe Spectroscopy
O.S. Vasyutinskii, Ioffe Inst., Russia

The use of mid-infrared lasers in ophthalmology: prospects and advantages, a look at future development
Yu.N. Yusef, Research Inst. of Eye Diseases, Russia